Saturday, September 21, 2013

ARTS 530  Kiln Technology and Firing Techniques


                                The front stack.

                                Late at night. Almost done!

5:30 am-11:00pm!  Whew! 

Four fun filed days of firing a cone 10 (hi fire) reduction kiln (deficient in oxygen), lecture, and discussion, and tomorrow...testing and OPENING THE KILN!  Yesssss!  Of course, then we'll have more discussion to see how the kiln fired.  We'll map it, by noting how the carbon trapping on the shino glazes went, and if we got the beautiful copper reds from the reduction we worked on.  We'll look at all the test tiles and pyrometric cones to find the kiln's hot spots and cool spots, and which glazes did well where. We'll check the  star brick and bag walls to see if they did their job of moving the flame, heat and gases where we wanted them.  We'll analyze any problems, and record our findings, and document each shelf in the stack with photographs.  If should be an interesting and exciting day.  Here are a few photos from the loading and during the firing.  I'll add some of the results later.

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