Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Today, in writing my Artist's Bio for the blog, I was able to reflect upon what wonderful opportunities I have been privileged to experience in my life!  What a journey!

As I have fumbled through trying to set up this blog site, I have not been settled on what to call it.  So I bounced some words off a few of my children.  "What is a word that means...primal, coming from the basic elements of the world (earth, wind, fire, water), beginnings of time, creation, birth, from God, life giving, life taking....?"  We rolled these around for awhile. Then I hit the Thesaurus and found the word NASCENCE


[nas-uhnt, ney-suhnt]   adjective
1. beginning to exist or develop: the nascent republic. 
2. Chemistry . (of an element) in the nascent state.

1615–25;  < Latin nāscent-  (stem of nāscēns ), present participle of nāscī  to be born, arise, equivalent to ( tus ) born (variant of gnātus ) + -sc-  inchoative suffix + -ent- -ent

Synonyms for:  beginning, commencement, dawn, emergence, fountainhead, genesis, inception, onset, opening, origin, outset, rise, source spring, start
(From the Random House online Thesaurus)
I like the precise meaning in relation to life and ceramics. They are so interconnected!  Though clay we can learn so much about life.  But this is a subject for another day.
Because, however, it is an unusual word, I chose not to use it yet.  I want to let it settle in and see if it'll take hold in my mind.  Nascent Ceramics....hmmm. We'll see.  In the meantime I tried Fountainhead Ceramics.  It's not really working for me.  What do you think?  I have reverted to Janet Greer Ceramics for now, just so people can find me online. 
So the 'name calling' dilemma has not been finalized.  I am open to suggestion!  My career as a potter/ceramicist is beginning, growing, springing out of the basic elements of my life: experience, family, love, sorrow, ashes, beauty, faith. 
Hope you all have a wonderful day!


  1. Why not "Nascent Ceramics by Janet Greer"? This way you will preserve the beauty of the uncommon word while maintaing your identity so people will be able to find you through google or other means. Also, those that look up or already know the meaning of the word may be intrigued by your brilliance...or just by the beauty of your art.

  2. Love it Janet! I especially love that the words that define you are contradictory at times. Aren't we all opposite ends of the spectrum at times. And your picture of ceramics is gorgeous. I can't wait to see more of your stuff.
